Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth.
Discover the research, resources and tools that ELIA Wellness provides to help you understand lifestyle medicine and a whole-person approach to your health.
Watch the New Zealand Short Film Series: This Wild Idea, which explores how to engage your environment to improve your health and happiness.
Watch this short film series that explores the 7 Dimensions of Wellness
A state when you are personally feeling great, have the ability to understand and improve yourself, as well as having empathy and understanding of other people’s emotions. Emotionally thriving involves having the mindset and mastering the tools that enable you to work through stressful situations and handle negative emotional events. It is also about dealing with phobias, anxieties, and depression with the goal of experiencing a positive emotional outlook.
How can your emotions affect your mental and physical wellbeing?
Psychologist Claire Marsh explores self-worth and how to respect yourself.
Psychologist Claire Marsh explores how to remain sane when isolated with family members.
Having vibrant physical health and the prevention of disease in your body. Aspects of physical health include how you move your muscles through exercise and their capacity to stretch. Additionally, it is important to provide energy through optimal nutrition and hydration as well as understand how your dietary intake can help or harm your body and impact your gut microbiome. Your daily and weekly rest patterns are also crucial to healing and being physically energised. Likewise, the avoidance of harmful drugs and negative lifestyle choices will further assist your wellness.
The latest trend found in clubs and dinner parties alike, is the trend of the ‘sober curious’ drinker.
Physical activity or exercise can have immediate and long-term health benefits!
Adrielle Carrasco explores the best ways to feed you baby, and young children, to help them understand what foods they should be eating, and how much.
Enjoying satisfying relationships and having good social support from your family, peers, friends and your community. Aspects include the ability to communicate effectively by expressing your feelings, needs, and opinions. Additionally, maintaining intimacy and having good conflict management skills to engage positively with your social group are also important features. These relationships can be strengthened through the appreciation and engagement of personal cultural history. This will further assist in positively building your identity and your community.
Adrielle Carrasco explores why its important to have a supportive, positive community, surrounding you.
Do you know how important social connections are for your wellness?
Psychologist Claire Marsh explores how to connect with loved ones while isolated.
Using your skills and talents to express your values and achieve fulfilment in life. This includes your professional career and its financial benefits to your lifestyle, unpaid work and giving back to your community through service. The extent of your enrichment is dependent on your attitude towards these activities and the ability to create balance between your various roles and responsibilities.
Did you know that the ELIA Wellness Knowledge Centre has over 100 different whole-person health resources at your fingertips? Simply click “Knowledge Centre” in the top menu bar and discover the different 7 Dimensions of Wellness or search your topic of interest.
Do you have flow? Discover tips on how flow can help you have more clarity and be more productive in what we do.
If you aren’t really into team games and exercise then maybe photography is the sport for you.
Having a strong connection to something bigger than yourself that gives you meaning in your life and hope for the future. The act of expressing love, faith, compassion, grace, forgiveness, gratitude are central to spiritual wellness. Spiritual connectedness is about a personal understanding of the value of life and brings all the dimensions of wellness together to help you live your best life.
This powerful spiritual empowerment online series has been carefully designed by experts in the field of Lifestyle Medicine to guide you on a journey of personal growth and transformation, enabling you to take your life to the next level. Learn. Reflect. Take action!
Dr. Brian Schwartz explores how he discovered bringing spirituality into his practice benefited his patients, and how you can apply similar ideas to yours.
Dr Brian Schwartz explains why he believes it is beneficial to your practice to incorporate spirituality, how he incorporates it into his own practice, and how you can too.
Approaching life with a mind-set of life long learning. Realising your potential involves developing your talents and skills with an understanding of your life’s purpose. Additionally, achieving optimal intellectual stimulation, with adequate time for reflection and critical thinking is crucial to achieving a more satisfying life. Making the most of opportunities to learn, express your creativity and share knowledge and experiences enhances your personal growth, contribute to society and improve your wellness.
How do you stimulate your brain to keep yourself intellectually engaged?
The benefits of exercise for the young and older brain are well established.
Learn what you can do to protect your brain and keep your memory sharp.
Interacting positively with the environment on a local, community and global level. Improving your personal footprint and understanding how your surroundings impact your personal wellness is vital. This involves having clean air to breathe, obtaining adequate sunlight, optimising nature’s resources and engaging with blue and green spaces for rejuvenation while avoiding toxic substances and noise pollution.
How can being in touch with the natural environments around you, positively impact your health and wellbeing?
Conrad Ling explores the garden, and how taking up gardening is a great way to perform light exercise, improve your immune system, and even improve mental health.
Sometimes we need to escape the hustle and bustle of life but holidays can be expensive. Camping could be the answer.